In web development, verify is one of the most complex aspects of implementing it yourself. Many web applications delegate authentication to a third-party authentication service, such as Verify 0 or rely on built-in authentication frame Or the tools used to construct them.
Authentication policy Is a method or technique used for verification identity User or system permissions to grant access to protected resources. A number of different authentication strategies can be used, including:
1.SSO (Single Sign-On)💻
Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication tool that enables users to securely access multiple applications and services using a single set of credentials without having to remember different passwords for each service.
SSO ends the days of remembering and entering multiple passwords and eliminates the frustration of having to reset a forgotten password. Users can also access a range of platforms and applications without having to log in each time.
Single sign-on simplifies user authentication, improves user experience, and, if implemented correctly, can increase security. It is commonly used to manage authentication and secure access to corporate intranets or external networks, student portals, public cloud services, and other environments where users need to move between different applications to complete their work.
2.JWT authentication🍪
JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a compact and independent way to securely transmit information in the form of JSON objects between parties. This information can be verified and trusted because it is digitally signed.
JWT stands for JSON Web Token, which is a commonly used stateless user authentication standard for securely transferring information in JSON format between the client and the server.
This is the structure of the token:
Open Authorization (OAuth) is an open standards authorization framework that allows applications to access an end user’s protected resources (such as photos, calendars, or social media posts) without requiring a user account login or password.
OAuth is a technology standard that allows you to authorize one application or service to log in to another application or service without revealing private information such as passwords. If you’ve ever received a message like “Sign in with Facebook?” or “Allow this application to access your account?” You’ve seen OAuth in action.
Websites and third-party applications that ask users to “Sign in with Google?” or “Allow access to your account information?” are common use cases for OAuth. The OAuth protocol allows users to easily grant these applications access to their account information without sharing their user credentials.
Final words 🗣️
You don’t necessarily need to learn all of this, how to implement it, and the details from the get-go. But it’s important to understand what they are and how they work. This will help you make better decisions when choosing an authentication strategy for your application.
Important! 🫵
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