8 Things You Shouldn’t Do When Trying to Prevent Cognitive Decline
February 9, 2025

8 Things You Shouldn’t Do When Trying to Prevent Cognitive Decline

Do you know that each of the nine adults will experience a cognitive decline with age? And this can happen earlier than you think, 10% of adults 45-65 experience what CDC calls the “subjective decrease in cognitive drugs.” Genetics plays a role in this, but the good news is that there are many modified lifestyle factors that can not only reflect cognitive reduction, but also improve cognitive function, such as sleep habits, diet, exercises and stress management.

A study published in Borders in aging neurobiology In 2020, he explores the relationship between the choice of lifestyle and brain health as they grow older. The results confirm the importance of maintaining healthy habits, such as the inclusion of many fruits and vegetables in our diet and regularly remain active. In addition to this expected advice (because you probably already know about the advantages of using vegetables), there are some habits that can affect the health of your brain in ways that may surprise you.

Read further 8 things that you must stop doing if you want to help prevent a decrease in cognitive agents.

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Consume too many artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners, such as tar and aspartam, have a minimal effect on blood sugar, which makes them useful for people with pre -aabetes or type 2 diabetes. Nevertheless, the consumption of these sweeteners often or in large quantities can be problematic for the health of the brain and “can lead to a decrease in cognitive drugs in life,” says Nicole Stefanov, MS, RDN, nutritionist in the large New York area. Artificially sweetened drinks, such as dietary soda, were associated with the increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. One review in Nourishing neurobiology It suggests that aspartam can also be a chemical stress in the brain, which can lead to negative neurological symptoms and reduce cognitive function over time.

But do not overdo it with sugar. “High sugar consumption was associated with memory impairment and an increased risk of dementia,” says Vandana Shet, RDN, CDCES, FAND.

So what to do with a sweet thirst? A little real sugar – whether from maple syrup, honey or table sugar – is just excellent. So do not be afraid to add a teaspoon of sugar in morning coffee, sweeten your yogurt with honey or enjoy random cookies or ice cream. Try to maintain added sugar consumption up to less than six teaspoons (24 g) for women or nine teaspoons (36G) for men. Sugar found in fruits is not taken into account in this limit, so take a bowl of fresh seasonal fruits to satisfy sweet traction!

Skip exercises

Physical exercises can help prevent a decrease in cognitive data, increasing the frequency of cardiac contractions and increasing blood flow into the brain, ”says Loren Harris-Pink, MS, RDN, and a registered nutritionist. Review of 2023 in Biomolecules They showed that physical exercises also increase the chemical, called a neurotrophic factor obtained from the brain (BDNF), which plays a role in memory and cognitive development. Low BDNF levels were associated with a decrease in cognitive function, as well as Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease.

Try to get about 30 minutes of exercises with intensity from low to moderate intensity. This should not be at the same time, and each bit matters. Choose the exercises that you like, whether it is dancing, dancing, going, yoga or walking. Day activities, such as cleaning your home, gardening or running with children (or grandchildren), can also contribute to your goals.

Avoid communication

“Social interactions can protect memory and cognitive function with age. People who have strong social ties are less likely to have a decrease in cognitive drugs. Therefore, even when you are aging, it is good for your health to become a social butterfly, ”says Lisa Young, pH. D., RDN, registered nutritionist.

In the era, when the connection through social networks increasingly replaces a personal connection, it is important to postpone your phones and meet with the IRL family and friends (in real life). Excessive screen time is associated with a premature decrease in cognitive data, according to the 2021 review in International Mental Health and Dependence JournalField

Ignore sleep problems

Both quality and the amount of sleep when it comes to brain health (and general health). “The goal of the seven is a nine hours of sleep per night. Studies show that sleep deprivation increases the concentration of amyloid peptides in the brain, which can lead to Alzheimer’s disease. Adequate sleep has the opposite effect, ”says Julie Andrews, MS, RDN, CD, Fand.

If you glide in a dream, place priorities to go to bed earlier. If you have problems with falling or falling asleep, try to eliminate any time on the screen an hour before bedtime and create a soothing routine of sleep. Finally, if you wake up in seven or more hours, are still completely exhausted, it can be a sign of other problems such as apnea in a dream, so talk with your doctor about whether a study of sleep or other intervention is suitable for you.

Focus on the quirks and expensive “superproducts”

Yes, foods such as cabbage, spirulina and asi, offer many benefits for health. But if you are too focused on fashionable super -products, you can miss other products that provide many health benefits in the brain. Products are traditionally not considered “super -products”, like beets, walnuts and eggs, everyone is associated with the best cognitive function. In addition, products such as red pepper, oranges, strawberries and other products rich in antioxidants The boundaries in the diet.

Although these products may not be such worthy noise as Godzi berries or a match, focus on the use of a well-balanced diet filled with various plant products, this is what is most important. “Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and fish contain antioxidants and nutrients to prevent a decrease in cognitive drugs,” says Andrews. It is known that after a wealthy diet in the style of the Mediterranean style, it is much more effective in separation of cognitive decline than any separate food-Super or not.

Dismiss stressors

Some stress is inevitable, but chronic stress that remains unattended can have a negative effect on the brain. In fact, several studies considered in 2020. Nature The research article associated psychological stress with an increased risk of reducing cognitive means. Some studies show that the tension of work in middle age was associated with a decrease in cognitive data at a later age. On the other hand, research in article 2023 in Archives of gerontology and geriatrics It was found that passive, low -controling jobs were associated with a higher risk of cognitive and physical reduction, especially in men, while active work (managerial and professional role with high control and requirements) were associated with improving cognitive health.

Since it is impossible to completely eliminate stress from your life (at least for most people!), And some stress is good, find ways to cope with stress in order to reduce the risk of reducing cognitive drugs.

If you find that you are overloaded, try meditation with a guide or deep breathing exercises, regular exercises, spend time on the street, diaries or do another hobby that you like. Most importantly, take the time – even if it is only a few minutes a day – take care of yourself.

Throw away egg yolks

If an omelet with an egg is still your orders for breakfast (or after breakfast after training), you can rethink this habit. “It is true that egg proteins contain high-quality protein, but the yolk is where all nutrients that contribute to the brain, such as choline and lutein, live. Only the use of egg proteins does not make your brain any services, ”says Loren Maneker, MS, RDN, LDN, Clec, CPT, women’s health experts and a registered nutritionist.

According to NIH, the higher choline consumption is associated with the best cognitive indicators, but most people do not correspond to the recommended 550 mg per day for men and 425 mg per day for women. One whole egg has 147 mg of choline, which is one of the best sources of food of this nutrient. If you are concerned about cholesterol in eggs, know that the dietary level of cholesterol has a lesser effect on the level of blood cholesterol (for most people) than we once thought. If your doctor did not tell you to limit the eggs, there is no reason to miss the yolks.

If you do not like eggs, another good source of choline is chicken. “The dark -white chicken meat contains vitamin B12 and choline, which together can help in cognitive indicators in older people,” says Manaker.

Drink (too much) alcohol

“Alcohol can affect memory and how the brain functions. Chronic excessive alcohol consumption can interfere with brain communication paths, reducing the size of neurons used to transmit information in the brain, ”says Dr. Joan Salge Blake, ed. RDN, LDN, Fand, Power Professor at the University of Boston.

Regular excessive drinking (more than two drinks per day) is associated with a decrease in cognitive agents. “Moderation is a key,” says Dr. Blake. If you decide to drink, adhere to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks for men. “Catch your consumption by drinking non -alcoholic drinks before and after choosing.

The essence

Aging does not necessarily means losing mental sharpness! The choice that you make today – for example, sleeping, remaining active, controlling stress and enjoying whole food – can help keep your brain in the upper form for many years. And the priority of social ties and rest can have a real meaning. Small, consistent changes add up, helping you keep your mind with sharp and memory at any age!

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