Helldivers 2 is primed for Arrowhead to add more to the Illuminate army
This is a turbulent era hellstalker. The cowardly Illuminati not only returned after disappearing for a century, but also kidnapped the citizens of Super Earth and turned them into horrific monsters called “non-voters.” That doesn’t even begin to cover the plans of the other two factions: the Robots, who are on their way to a super-Earth, and the Terminators, who are producing vast amounts of mysterious, evolution-inspired spores. But the worst part is, I’m pretty sure we can’t trust anything super-Earths tell us. I think they may have told some lies.
Appears immediately after lighting ends Game Awards After an unexpected landing, the Helldivers travel to the planet Calypso to fight them. The world is under siege by the forces of light, and players successfully complete the main mission in the final minutes of the campaign.
Super Earth later sent some status updates, which read:
The resurgent Light Ones have been driven back by the Helldivers. Order has been restored on CALYPSO. It is estimated that a small portion of the Light Forces survived their annihilation at the end of the First Galactic War and have remained hidden to this day. Recent Democratic activity may have made their discovery imminent, triggering the latest attacks. […] Marine reconnaissance units would soon hunt down any remnants of the force. Once they are found, they will be destroyed.
Small cells? Well, that sounds reassuring. After Calypso’s ancient act of revenge, the Helldivers breathed a sigh of relief when the Illuminati disappeared for a full day. But then, we got a new set of marching orders in the Operation Squid game. This time, the Light Ones are attacking multiple planets, primarily the worlds of the Creator Prime. Super Earth explains this with mission text:
It’s unclear how they escaped detection over the last century. However, their ability to do so suggests that cells are limited in size. Their quantity is limited. This attack is an opportunity to eradicate this xenophobic threat once and for all and once again defend the galaxy.
During the game against the Lights, I couldn’t help but notice something concerning. Their roster is much smaller than the other two factions, but doesn’t have anyone on par with the Bile Titans or Factory Ramblers. No matter what difficulty you play on, you’ll encounter the same people: Non-Votes, Overseers, and Reapers. We will most likely see more squid showing up. If you check the lighting level from the first hell diverthere are some terrifying possibilities: an obelisk, an illusionist, and a giant eye could all show up in one form or another.
Super Earth seems pretty cool about this whole thing, but I can’t stress enough that I think they might be wrong. Hellraiser 2 Full of narrative surprises, I don’t think that’s going to change. If you thought walking harvesters were bad, hold on to your ass: I guarantee the lighting will only get scarier.
2024-12-17 21:50:12