Extracting and saving documents such as receipts, invoices, and contracts as PDF files is a common requirement for many businesses. In this article, we enhanced the web file editor project built using Dynamsoft file viewer Added the ability to detect files and save them as PDF. Document detection function is provided by Dynamsoft captures vision.
Demonstration video: Detecting files and saving them as PDF
Online demonstration
Implement file detection and correction capabilities in HTML5 and JavaScript
The following sections guide you through file detection and remediation using HTML5 and JavaScript. If you have already downloaded the source code, you can jump to Step 2.
Step 1: Get the source code
Clone the source code from the GitHub repository:
git clone https://github.com/yushulx/web-twain-document-scan-management.git
Navigate to
Table of contents:cd web-twain-document-scan-management/examples/document_annotation
Open the project in Visual Studio Code.
Step2: Add document detection button
add a new material icon for the file detection button:.icon-document_scanner::before { content: "crop_free"; } .icon-document_scanner { display: flex; font-size: 1.5em; }
Define the file detection button and add it to the toolbar
:const documentButton = { type: Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Button, className: "material-icons icon-document_scanner", tooltip: "Detect document", events: { click: "detectDocument", } } const pcEditViewerUiConfig = { type: Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Layout, flexDirection: "column", className: "ddv-edit-viewer-desktop", children: [ { type: Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Layout, className: "ddv-edit-viewer-header-desktop", children: [ { type: Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Layout, children: [ Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.ThumbnailSwitch, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Zoom, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.FitMode, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Crop, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Filter, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Undo, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Redo, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.DeleteCurrent, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.DeleteAll, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Pan, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.AnnotationSet, qrButton, checkButton, scanButton, clearButton, signatureButton, documentButton, ], }, { type: Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Layout, children: [ { type: Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Pagination, className: "ddv-edit-viewer-pagination-desktop", }, loadButton, downloadButton, ], }, ], }, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.MainView, ], };
Add a click event handler for the file detection button:
editViewer.on("detectDocument", detectDocument); async function detectDocument() { ... }
Step 3: Create a pop-up dialog box for file detection and normalization
The pop-up dialog box for file detection and normalization includes three buttons: detection, standardizationand Cancel.
- detection: Detect document boundaries.
- standardization: Standardized document.
- Cancel: Close the dialog box.
HTML code
id="document-detection" class="overlay">
Document Detection
JavaScript code
let detectDocumentButton = document.getElementById("detectDocument");
let cancelDocumentButton = document.getElementById("cancelDocument");
let normalizeDocumentButton = document.getElementById("normalizeDocument");
cancelDocumentButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
document.getElementById("document-detection").style.display = "none";
normalizeDocumentButton.addEventListener('click', async () => {
document.getElementById("document-detection").style.display = "none";
detectDocumentButton.addEventListener('click', async () => {
document.getElementById("document-detection").style.display = "none";
Step 4: Edit the document corners and fix the document
Detect the document and draw outlines based on four corner points in the editing viewer:
detectDocumentButton.addEventListener('click', async () => { document.getElementById("document-detection").style.display = "none"; const settings = { quality: 100, saveAnnotation: false, }; const image = await editViewer.currentDocument.saveToJpeg(editViewer.getCurrentPageIndex(), settings); const result = await cvRouter.capture(image, "DetectDocumentBoundaries_Default"); for (let item of result.items) { if (item.type !== Dynamsoft.Core.EnumCapturedResultItemType.CRIT_DETECTED_QUAD) { continue; } let points = item.location.points; let currentPageId = currentDoc.pages[editViewer.getCurrentPageIndex()]; let pageData = await currentDoc.getPageData(currentPageId); documentPoints = points; const polygonOptions = { points: points.map(p => { return { x: p.x / pageData.display.width * pageData.mediaBox.width, y: p.y / pageData.display.height * pageData.mediaBox.height } }), borderColor: "rgb(0,0,255)", flags: { print: false, noView: false, readOnly: false, } } let polygon = Dynamsoft.DDV.annotationManager.createAnnotation(currentPageId, "polygon", polygonOptions); polygon['name'] = 'document'; break; } });
Normalized document image:
normalizeDocumentButton.addEventListener('click', async () => { document.getElementById("document-detection").style.display = "none"; let currentPageId = currentDoc.pages[editViewer.getCurrentPageIndex()]; let blob = await normalizeImage(); if (blob) { await currentDoc.updatePage(currentPageId, blob); documentPoints = null; } }); async function normalizeImage() { if (!documentPoints) { return null; } let params = await cvRouter.getSimplifiedSettings("NormalizeDocument_Default"); params.roi.points = documentPoints; params.roiMeasuredInPercentage = 0; await cvRouter.updateSettings("NormalizeDocument_Default", params); const settings = { quality: 100, saveAnnotation: false, }; const image = await editViewer.currentDocument.saveToJpeg(editViewer.getCurrentPageIndex(), settings); cvRouter.maxCvsSideLength = 9999; const result = await cvRouter.capture(image, "NormalizeDocument_Default"); for (let item of result.items) { if (item.type !== Dynamsoft.Core.EnumCapturedResultItemType.CRIT_NORMALIZED_IMAGE) { continue; } let blob = await item.toBlob(); return blob; } }
source code