Kubernetes Logs and Debugging Techniques: Best Practices for Efficient Troubleshooting
December 23, 2024

Kubernetes Logs and Debugging Techniques: Best Practices for Efficient Troubleshooting

Kubernetes logging and debugging technology

When managing a Kubernetes cluster, debugging is a critical skill for diagnosing problems and ensuring applications run smoothly. Kubernetes provides a rich set of logging and debugging tools to help you track issues, inspect resources, and fix problems at all levels of the system.

In this article, we’ll explore key concepts and techniques for using Kubernetes logging and debugging, including useful commands and best practices.

Key concepts for Kubernetes logging and debugging

1. Kubernetes log overview

By default, Kubernetes does not have a central logging system. Instead, it relies on the underlying infrastructure and logging capabilities of the applications running in the Pod. Logs can be retrieved from a variety of sources, including:

  • Pod log: Logs generated by containers running in Pod.
  • Node log: Logs related to the Kubernetes node itself (such as kubelet logs).
  • Cluster level logs: Logs from Kubernetes control plane components such as API servers, schedulers, and controller managers.
  • application log: Logs generated by applications running in the Pod.

2. Debugging in Kubernetes

Debugging a Kubernetes cluster involves investigating resource configurations, networking, and the execution-time behavior of containers. Techniques include inspecting logs, inspecting resource configurations, and interacting with running containers.

Kubernetes Logging: How to View Logs

1. View Pod logs

You can use the following command to view the logs of each container in the Pod kubectl logs. If the Pod has multiple containers, you need to specify the container name.

  • View the logs of a single container:
  kubectl logs  -n 
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  • View the logs of a specific container in a Pod:
  kubectl logs  -c  -n 
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  • Real-time tracking log (like tail -f):
  kubectl logs -f  -n 
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  • View previous logs (if container crashes and restarts):
  kubectl logs  -n  --previous
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2. View the logs of multiple Pods

Use the tag selector to view logs for multiple Pods at once:

  • Get logs from Pods with specific labels:
  kubectl logs -l app=
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3. Logs from node-level components (such as kubelet)

To view logs of Kubernetes components executing on a node (such as a kubelet), you need access to the node itself. If you use a cloud provider, you can obtain node logs through the cloud platform’s console. For a local setup, SSH into the node and view the logs /var/log/.

For example, view the kubelet log:

journalctl -u kubelet
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Debugging techniques in Kubernetes

1. Describe resources

You can use kubectl describe Command to get more detailed information about resources such as Pods, nodes, deployments, and services. This command displays events, resource usage, and error messages.

  kubectl describe pod  -n 
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  kubectl describe node 
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  kubectl describe deployment  -n 
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2. Check resource status

Kubernetes resource status directives give you insight into what is happening with your resources and where the problem may be.

  • Check the status of all Pods:
  kubectl get pods -n 
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  • Check the status of all nodes:
  kubectl get nodes
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  • Check service status:
  kubectl get svc -n 
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3. Execute into the container

If your application is running inside a container and you need to execute debugging commands directly, you can use kubectl exec Enter the shell of the container.

  kubectl exec -it  -c  -n  -- /bin/sh
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This allows you to inspect containers, inspect logs, execute commands, and troubleshoot problems directly from within the Pod.

4. Port forwarding for local access

If you need to access a service or application (for example, a Web service) that is running within a local cluster, you can use port forwarding.

  • Port forwards the Pod’s port to localhost:
  kubectl port-forward  8080:80 -n 
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Now you can access the app http://localhost:8080.

5. Use kubectl logs and --since and --tail

For better control over the logs you can use --since and --tail Flag used to narrow the scope of log output.

  • Logs for the last 10 minutes:
  kubectl logs  --since=10m -n 
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  • The last 100 lines of logs at the end:
  kubectl logs  --tail=100 -n 
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6. Analyze Kubernetes events

Events give you insight into what’s happening in the cluster. They can reveal issues such as Pods failing to start, resources being unavailable, or configurations being invalid.

  kubectl get events -n 
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This command can help you troubleshoot scheduling issues, network issues, or other event-driven issues.

Third-party debugging tools


K9s is a terminal-based tool that provides an interactive way to interact with Kubernetes resources. It allows you to view logs, describe resources, and easily navigate clusters from the command line.

  brew install k9s
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2. Telepresence

Telepresence lets you execute a native development environment within a Kubernetes cluster, making it easier to debug applications that require a full Kubernetes context.

  brew install telepresence
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  • Start a telepresence session:
  telepresence --namespace  --swap-deployment 
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3.Istio and Linkerd (service mesh)

Service meshes such as Istio and Linkerd provide observability, including decentralized tracing and logging, which can greatly help debug microservice communication issues in Kubernetes.

Best practices for Kubernetes debugging

  1. Diagnose using logs:
    Always start by collecting logs from pods, nodes, and control plane components. Logs provide the most direct insight into failures or misbehavior.

  2. use kubectl describe for context:
    use kubectl describe command to get context about resources and events because it can reveal problems that are not immediately obvious from logs alone.

  3. Isolation problem kubectl exec:
    use kubectl exec Go directly into the container and execute commands or check configuration.

  4. Monitor resource usage:
    Ensure that the size of the Pod matches CPU and memory requests and limits. Use monitoring tools such as Prometheus to capture resource bottlenecks.

  5. Set up proactive monitoring and alerts:
    Setting up tools like Prometheus and Grafana to track resource usage and alert on potential problems will help prevent common problems before they escalate.

  6. Use debugging tools:
    Tools such as K9s, telepresence and service mesh provide valuable insights into complex debugging tasks, especially in production environments.

in conclusion

Kubernetes provides a powerful set of tools and techniques for debugging applications and resources. through effective use kubectl Commands, third-party tools like K9s, and integrated observability tools like Prometheus and Grafana, you can easily diagnose and resolve issues in your cluster. Proactive monitoring and efficient debugging are key to ensuring that Kubernetes-based applications run smoothly.

2024-12-23 14:29:51

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