Authentication is the cornerstone of modern web applications, ensuring users can securely access their data and functionality. In my latest YouTube video, “Introduction to Authentication with Auth.js, Next.js and PostgreSQL | The Complete Guide 🔐”, I provide step-by-step tutorials on setting up a secure and scalable authentication system using cutting-edge technology. Let’s explore what this guide has to offer.
Why authentication is important
Authentication isn’t just about logging users in; it’s about protecting their data and building trust in your application. With the right settings, you can:
- Securely manage user profiles.
- Efficiently extend your application.
- Provide a seamless user experience.
In this guide we will combine Auth.js, Next.jsand PostgreSQL Create a strong authentication system.
What the teaching covers
Here’s an overview of what you’ll learn in the video:
00:00:00 – Introduction to Auth.js
Learn about the role of Auth.js in modern authentication systems and why it’s a great choice for Next.js applications.
00:01:29 – Auth.js file walkthrough
Browse the Auth.js file to learn about its main features and configuration options.
00:12:23 – Authentication without a database
Learn how to implement a basic authentication flow without relying on a repository.
00:25:20 – Validation using a database (PostgreSQL)
Dive into advanced authentication by integrating PostgreSQL as a user database for secure and scalable user management.
Key features of this guide
- Introduction to Auth.js: Learn how Auth.js simplifies authentication by providing built-in policies for a variety of providers, including OAuth, email/password, and more.
- Setting up Next.js: Learn how to set up your Next.js application for authentication, from setting up API routing to managing authentication status.
- PostgreSQL integration: Discover how to set up and configure PostgreSQL as a database for storing user credentials and session data.
- User registration and login: Achieve powerful user registration and login functions through password hashing and secure data storage.
- Session management: Master session handling to ensure users are authenticated across pages.
- Best practices: Learn techniques for building secure and scalable authentication systems, including data encryption and secure coding practices.
Why use Auth.js, Next.js and PostgreSQL?
- verify.js: Simplify authentication with pre-built policies and custom options.
- Next.js: React-based framework optimized for server-side rendering and seamless API integration.
- PostgreSQL: A powerful relational repository known for its scalability, security, and powerful feature set.
Together, these tools provide a flexible and secure solution for building modern authentication systems.
what do you need
Before starting this tutorial, make sure you have:
- Node.js installation: Next.js requires Node.js to function.
- PostgreSQL database: Configure a PostgreSQL instance to manage user data.
- Text editor or IDE: Use VSCode, WebStorm, or your favorite editor.
- JavaScript basics: Familiarity with JavaScript and React will help you master it easily.
Watch the tutorial now!
Ready to build a secure authentication system? Watch the complete guide on YouTube And follow along as we implement authentication from scratch. By the end of the video, you’ll have the knowledge and tools to build secure, scalable authentication for any Next.js application.
Let’s get started! 🚀