rafael1mc/epub-tts: Create audio files from ePUB.
December 22, 2024

rafael1mc/epub-tts: Create audio files from ePUB.

Convert ePUB to audio files.

The code parses the ePUB into parts (roughly related to book chapters) and “text-to-speech” each part into its own audio file.
The output will be numerically prefixed to maintain order.

This is an alpha proof-of-concept version. To me this should be an easy alternative when the eyes are tired but the mind isn’t 🙂

  • Runs on MacOS
  • ffmpeg is installed and available in $PATH
  • Golan
  1. Clone this repository
  2. Replace the files inside volume/input.epub with the book you want to convert to audio (keep the file name)
  3. Execute the program (note that this will take quite a while, but you should see Some Output during execution):
  1. You should see a new output Contains a folder for each text and audio file.
  • Apple system say Order
  • Note: The sample books in this repository are excerpted from Project Guttenbergcopyright status is “U.S. Public Domain”

Check license document.

2024-12-22 17:15:31

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