REVIEW: Best Hummus at Grocery Store, Ranked
January 11, 2025

REVIEW: Best Hummus at Grocery Store, Ranked

  • I chose Trader Joe’s hummus CostcoWhole Foods and Wegmans ranked worst to best.
  • I thought Trader Joe’s organic hummus could use a little lemon.
  • Wegmans Garlic Chickpea Hummus was my favorite dip.

Although hummus, a delicious dip or chickpea spread, can be found in almost every supermarket, I wondered which one was best.

To find out, I bought hummus from Whole FoodsCostco, Trader Joe’s and Wegmans and compared them.

I bought the simplest version available and ate each dip with carrots and pretzel chips. Here’s how each reversal panned out, from worst to best.