SQL Operations
December 23, 2024

SQL Operations

After entering the SQLite shell, use SQL commands to create the table. CREATE TABLE: Create a new table. For my assignment, I will be making a table about athletes, so I enter the athletes after the CREATE TABLE command.

id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCRMENT: Creates a unique, auto-incrementing identification number for each athlete.

name TEXT NOT NULL: Store the name of the athlete. The NOT NULL constraint ensures that the column cannot be null.

sport TEXT NOT NULL: Store the sports played by athletes. Nor is it empty.

Country TEXT NOT NULL: The country the athlete represents. Nor is it empty.

Age INTEGER: Athlete’s age.

height REAL: Athlete’s height (for example, in meters).

Weight REAL: Athlete’s weight (for example, in kilograms).

INSERT INTO: Add new data to the athlete table.

Specify the fields: (name, sport, country, age, height, weight) to ensure data is only added to these fields. Unlisted id columns are automatically handled by the database.

VALUES: Contains the data of the specified columns in the same order.

SELECT: Retrieve data from the athlete table.

*: Select all fields in the table.

From Athlete: Displays all rows and columns from the Athlete table.

ALTER TABLE: Modify the structure of the existing athlete table.

ADD COLUMN team TEXT: Add a new field called team to store the team the athlete is on.

Update: Modify existing data in the athletes table.

SET team =: Update the team column to the value of the team it plays for.

WHERE name/country =: Ensures that only rows matching athlete name or country are updated.

Delete from athlete: Delete data from the athlete table.

WHERE name =: Only delete rows with matching athlete names.

2024-12-23 05:12:18

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