Today’s NYT Wordle Hints, Answer and Help for Dec. 23, #1283
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today’s new york times Waddell The answer describes a place some people like to go, especially in the winter, to stay warm. It’s not a place I would choose to go, but it’s a place for everyone. (I’d take a hot shower any day.) The word itself has three vowels, one of which is repeated, so it could be a tree stump. If you want tips and answers, keep reading.
Today’s Wordle Tip
Before we show you today’s content Waddell Answer and we’ll give you some tips. If you don’t want spoilers, look away now.
Wordle Tip 1: Repeat
Today’s Wordle answer has a repeated letter.
Wordle Tip 2: Vowels
There are two different vowels in today’s Wordle answer, but one of them is repeated, so you will see three vowels in total.
Wordle Tip 3: The Ending
Today’s Wordle answer ends with a vowel.
Wordle Tip 4: The First Letter
Today’s Wordle answer starts with the letter S.
Wordle Tip 5: Meaning
Today’s Wordle answer can refer to a small room used as a hot air or steam bath.
Today’s answer
Today’s Wordle answer is SAUNA.
Yesterday’s Wordle Answers
Yesterday’s Wordle answer (No. 1282, December 22) was very powerful.
Recent Wordle Answers
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